Home Latest Posts Apps Disqus Beta UWP app for Windows 10 updated with new features

Disqus Beta UWP app for Windows 10 updated with new features


Disqus Beta app has eceived a new update for Windows 10 and Windows 10 mobile. The latest update version is 4.0.13. The latest update brings is major one which brings many new features and bug fixes. Check out the full changelog below.

Disqus Bea Changelog:

Google login
You can now log in or register using your Google account

We’ve started localizing the app in Italian, German, French, Portuguese (Brazil), Indonesian, Spanish, Polish, and Russian. Currently this is a work-in-progress, and we need translators! If you can help, please go here: https://www.transifex.com/disq…

Better feedback
When you click the “Feedback” smiley face in the menu, you should now get more feedback options.

This includes a way to email us bug reports and of course rate the app. As you can see there, we also get the latest Disqus system status so you’ll know if there’s any known issues around the network.

Suggest improvements still opens the feedback hub, but I’m thinking of creating a Disqus channel to handle this. What do you think?

• You can now share discussions. Just click the icon in the command bar when you have a discussion open.
• There will no longer be the little “Ad” label by the banners with the weird “1s” timestamp.

Bug fixes
• Fixed a crash that sometimes happened when navigating away from a busy discussion
• Fixed a crash that sometimes happened while typing in the post box
• Fixed GIFs not appearing animated on 64-bit systems

You can download the app from the given link below.

Developer: Disqus
Price: Free
Exit mobile version