Home Latest News Azure News Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure management libraries for .NET

Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure management libraries for .NET

Azure Management Libraries

Microsoft is announcing the general availability of the new, simplified Azure management libraries for .NET for Compute, Storage, SQL Database, Networking, Resource Manager, Key Vault, Redis, CDN and Batch services.

With the general availability, developers can now use these libraries in production with full support by Microsoft through GitHub or Azure support channels. The Azure Management Libraries for .NET are open source and can be found on GitHub.

You can also download generally available libraries from Nuget or directly install through the Nuget Package Manager Console (NPM) inside IDE by executing the following command:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent

Service | Feature Generally available Available as preview Coming Soon
Compute Virtual machines and VM extensions
Virtual machine scale sets
Managed disks
Azure container services
Azure container registry
Storage Storage accounts Encryption
SQL Database Databases
Elastic pools
Networking Virtual networks
Network interfaces
IP addresses
Routing table
Network security groups
Traffic managers
Load balancers
Application gateways
More services Resource Manager
Key Vault
App service – Web apps
Service bus
Graph RBAC
Fundamentals Authentication – core Async methods

More information on working with the Azure Management Libraries for .NET can be found on the source page.


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