Home Latest News New Microsoft website reveals “Windows TH” name, offers tech preview for enterprise

New Microsoft website reveals “Windows TH” name, offers tech preview for enterprise


screen_shot_2014-09-27_at_6.35.30_pmWindows Threshold is the internal name of upcoming unified Windows with many SKUS is well-known. Recent leaks were though betting on Windows 9 as the name for upcoming Desktop / Laptop SKU release.

Now, thanks to a Microsoft site which went live bit early, Windows TH name is revealed. It is easy to note TH as the acronym for Threshold.

The site also reveals tech preview for enterprise customers and talks about the benefits of upgrading to Windows TH,

Defend against modern security threats
Elevate employee productivity
Embrace the mobile and cloud era
Enable upgrade without upheaval

The site can’t be accessed now and may have been taken down. It will be more interesting now to see what happens on September 30.

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