Home Latest News Windows 11 features highlight: Archive apps, Start icons & folders, Battery graphs,...

Windows 11 features highlight: Archive apps, Start icons & folders, Battery graphs, Aero Shake toggle & more


Windows 11 brings a big number of changes and new feature over Windows 10. While the Windows 11 user interface changes are well-covered, there are some usability related changes and new features that we are highlighting in this article.

You can read all the new features and changes that Windows 11 brings over Windows 10 in our massive collated changelog.

Archive apps:

The Archive apps feature can be toggled on and off. When enabled it will archive apps not used frequently to save storage space and internet bandwidth. Though files and other data for archived apps will be saved and not deleted. If you happen to use an archived app by chance in future, it will connect to the internet to restore app’s full version.

Start icons & folders:

You can change which icons including Computer, Recycle Bin, Network, User’s Files and Control Panel will appear on the Desktop of your Windows 11 PC. Head over to the personalization settings to make changes.

You can also decide which folders appear next to the power button on Start. Options include Settings, File explorer and others.

Battery graphs:

Windows 11 brings beautiful and quite functional Battery usage graphics.

Aero Shake toggle:

Coming to the Aero Shake toggle here is what the feature does. If you toggle the Aero shake on and grab a Windows’s title bar and shake it, it will minimize all other windows.

Device usage:

Microsoft will offer tips, tools and services based on how you intend to use your PC. You can choose the options in Personalization.

Paste as plain text:

If you open clipboard history by using (WIN + V) and click the … button next to any text-based entry in your clipboard history – you will now see a “Paste as plain text” option alongside pin and delete. When you use this action in clipboard history, it pastes the text content of the clipboard without its original formatting (font, color, size etc.), allowing it to match the formatting of the destination document.

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