Pirated version of Fruit Ninja available at WP store for free!!

This is really surprising to see pirated version of a popular game sneaking into Windows Phone store under MS's nose. Seems some developer with name "menguyen" has managed to download the XAP file of "Fruit Ninja" and got it approved in his name after...

VLC player team gets audio support for the app. WP8 version in works!

@videolan hey guys do you work on a WP8 version too? Please just to know it would be great for me PLEASE! — genuinefrand (@genuinefrand) November 18, 2013   VLC player team has finally got the audio working for their Windows 8.1 application it seems. This was...

Red Stripe deals for this week: Halo: Spartan Assault, ArchiTech and Pocket Sheep

So, time for this week’s “Red Stripe Deals”. Halo: Spartan Assault, ArchiTech, Pocket Sheep are three apps which go for a discount on WP store this week. ArchiTech and Pocket Sheep is available for $0.99 and Halo: Spartan Assault is still priced $2.99. Click the links below to...

SimpleRockets, SimplePhysics, Dummy Defense go free on Developer’s Reddit B’day.

Developer "andrewgarrison" is giving away his all three titles for free on  his Reddit Cakeday. It's my reddit cakeday, and I just want to celebrate by giving away all of my games for free. I hope you enjoy them! Here are my games (best games are...

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