Burger Cashier for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Burger Cashier. With this app you can take...

Master Password for Windows for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free as myAppFree app of the day is Master Password for Windows. This is a native UWP...

Speed for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Speed.  This is very fast-paced game and it...

Windows Phone app buyFood goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is buyFood. This app is your personal shopping assistant. buyFood...

Lockscreener! for Windows phone goes free as myAppfree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Lockscreener!. With this app, you can create collections...

Music Prompter for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Music Prompter. This app is a complete toolkit...

EarthStar HipHop for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is EarthStar HipHop. This is the best most fully...

Loco music player delight for Windows Phone goes free as myAppfree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Loco music player delight. This is the player...

Medica Reminders for Windows Phone goes free as myAppfree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppfree app of the day is Medica Reminders. This is the medication reminder app. This...

Forestry for Windows phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Forestry. This app is a lively, interactive application...

Evo Explores for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Evo Explores. This game was inspired by a...

Universal Video Downloader for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Universal Video Downloader - UVD. This is one...

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