Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams app has received a new update for iOS. The latest update version is 1.0.13. The latest update brings ability to edit messages and more. Checkout the full changelog below.

About app:

Microsoft Teams is your chat-centered workspace in Office 365. Instantly access all your team’s content from a single place where messages, files, people and tools live together. Take it with you on your favorite mobile device.

Microsoft Teams app changelog:

– Tabs are finally visible on mobile, including Planner & OneNote
– Edit messages that you’ve sent including messages with images
– Design updates for chat and teams list view
– Team admin: You can promote and demote users to owner
– You can follow/unfollow a channel to get notified for all posts
– Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements.

You can download the updated app from the given link below.

‎Microsoft Teams
‎Microsoft Teams