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Tag: BUILD 2014

Flipboard displayed on a Lumia 520 during BUILD. Hopefully coming soon

Flipboard was revealed coming to Windows Phone 8 devices long time back, but it hadn't make it yet. Many users have been waiting for Flipboard app's arrival. So, this report should make you...

Surface Japan Twitter account teases some Surafce related hardware announcement on 2nd April

Surface Japan's Twitter account has teased a possible Surface related hardware announcement on 2nd April afternoon during BUILD 2014. It is hard to make out from the tweet as what exactly it is talking...

VLC team targeting Windows Phone 8.1 for app development. Windows 8 app still in...

We just reported about VLC player for Windows 8.1 already uploaded to Windows store and waiting for certification. The VLC team has posted an image too, which shows app in certification. Microsoft needs to hurry...

Lenovo’s Windows Phone 8.1 smartphone rumored coming in April.

According to the sources of WP7Forum.ru, Lenovo will launch its first smartphone running Windows Phone 8.1 in April. The smartphone will run Windows Phone 8.1 and may see its unveil around BUILD 2014 (...

Updated: Microsoft officially reveals BUILD 2014 for April 2-4 in San Fransico.

Update: It is official now!! Microsoft says it will talk about what’s next for Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Azure, Windows Server, Visual Studio and much more during BUILD 2014. The momentum just keeps building and that...

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