Tag: Cumulative updates
[Video] How to Install Cumulative updates CAB/MSU Files on Windows 11 & 10
Microsoft uses Cumulative updates to push security patches and also incremental OS Builds. While generally, you can install these cumulative updates by going to...
Download links: KB4499167,KB4494441 & KB4499179 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4499179 (OS Build 16299.1146), KB4499167 (OS Build 17134.765) and KB4494441 (OS Build 17763.503) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall...
[Updated with changelog]Microsoft releases new Windows 10 Cumulative Updates
Microsoft has again come up with some patch to give a boost to the overall performance of your Windows 10 PC. The company has...
Download links: KB4480967 & KB4480976 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4480967 (OS Build 16299.936) and KB4480976 (OS Build 17134.556) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update) and version...
Download links: KB4480978, KB4480966 & KB4480116 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4480978 (OS Build 16299.904), KB4480966 (OS Build 17134.523) and KB4480116 (OS Build 17763.253) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update), version...
Download links: KB4467681 & KB4467682 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4467681 (OS Build 16299.820) and KB4467682 (OS Build 17134.441) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update) and version...
Download links: KB4467686, KB4467702 & KB4467708 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4467686 (OS Build 16299.785), KB4467702 (OS Build 17134.407) and KB4467708 (OS Build 17763.134) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update) and version 1803 (April...
Hotfix for Windows is dead as Microsoft discontinues the feature
Hotfix for Windows, those unaware, is as the name suggests, Microsoft's way of fixing some critical issues on Windows aimed mainly at Administrators. With...
Download links: KB4464330, KB4462918, KB4462919 & KB4462937 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4464330 (OS Build 17763.55), KB4462918 (OS Build 16299.726), KB4462919 (OS Build 17134.345) & KB4462937 (OS Build 15063.1387) to Windows 10...
Download links: KB4458469, KB4457136 & KB4457141 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4458469 (OS Build 17134.319), KB4457136 (OS Build 16299.697) & KB4457141 (OS Build 15063.1358) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update),...
Download links: KB4464218 and KB4464217 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4464218 (OS Build 17134.286) and KB4464217 (OS Build 16299.666) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update) and version 1803...
Download links: KB4457142, KB4457138 & KB4457128 for Windows 10
Microsoft recently pushed cumulative updates KB4457128 (OS Build 17134.285), KB4457142 (OS Build 16299.665) & KB4457138 (OS Build 15063.1324) to Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators update),...