Tag: Mixer
Microsoft teams up with Facebook to enable the Mixer community to transition to Facebook...
Microsoft's video game streaming service, Mixer is shutting down its operations side and has partnered with Facebook to help the community transition to a...
Mixer app on iOS and Android now lets you download clips and more
Microsoft is releasing an update for the Mixer app on iOS and Android devices.Version 5.4 is now available in the respective app store and...
Microsoft’s Mixer app got an Update both on Android and iOS
Microsoft has pushed a new update to the Mixer app for both the Android and iOS version. The new update brings some important new...
New Preview Alpha 1804 System Update brings Mixer & more
Members of the Xbox One Preview Update Alpha ring will begin receiving the latest Xbox One system update (1804.180301-1400) from starting at 6 p.m. PST...
Mixer’s Faster-Than-Light (FTL) protocol will soon be available on Mobile
Mixer is working on to introduce a yet another huge feature for its mobile fans. Being the most interactive platform for broadcasters and viewers...