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Tag: Release Preview Ring

Windows 10 Creators Update RTM Build 15063 comes to Release Preview Ring

Microsoft has taken next logical step in development and ultimate release of Windows 10 Creators Update. After releasing Creators Update RTM Build 15063 to...

Microsoft Photos UWP app for Windows 10 gets updated for Release preview Ring

Microsoft Photos app has received a new update for Windows 10 and Windows 10 mobile. The latest update version is 17.202.10012.0,. the latest update...

KB3209835 brings Windows 10 Build 14393.594 to RP ring. Download CAB Files

Microsoft has now pushed Windows 10 Build 14393.594 to Insiders in Release Preview Ring for testing and feedback. The cumulative update that brings this...

KB3197954 brings Windows 10 Build 14393.351 to non-insiders now. Changelog & CAB Files

After Release Preview Ring Microsoft has now pushed KB3197954 cumulative update to non-Insiders too. The CU brings Windows 10 Build 14393.351 to Insiders and...

KB3170411 brings Windows 10 Build 10586.456 to Release Preview ring. Official Changelog.

Microsoft has now pushed a new cumulatve update KB3170411 to Release Preview Ring Insiders on Windows 10 version 1511. The update takes the Windows...

Windows 10 Build 10586.240 comes to Release Preview Ring. Official Changelog

Microsoft has now pushed Windows 10 Build 10586.240 to Windows Insiders in Release Preview Ring. If you are running Windows 10 versions 1511 (Build...

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