Home 2013 December

Monthly Archives: December 2013

Xbox One and Xbox 360 take lion’s share of Black Friday Console sales.

It will certainly sound like music to ears of Microsoft and its fans. According to a research report from "Infoscout" both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 emerged as the top sold gaming consoles at both Walmart and Target leaving Sony's challengers in dust....

Canalys predicts 5% Tablet market share for MS in 2014 (Out of 285 million predicted shipments).

Canalys predicts that in 2014, Tablets will make 50% of PC shipments. This will amount to 285 million global Tablet shipments. Interestingly they predict big growth in Microsoft's market share from 2% of global shipment in 2013 to 5% of overall Tablet shipment in...

Kim Dotcom’s Mega coming to Windows Phone in early 2014. Desktop sync client to come by end of month.

Kim Dotcom's encrypted cloud service "Mega" which has just arrived to iOS is coming to Windows Phone in early 2014. It is worth mentioning that it took 5 month to come to iOS after launching its first ever mobile app for Android. So, this...

A tip suggests December 20 release date & FM Radio support for Lumia 929.

A tip from one of our tipsters, who doesn't want to get his name revealed, puts a 20th December release date for Lumia 929 in US. Lumia 929 is a Verizon bound Nokia Flagship device which is supposed to run on Snapdragon 800 and...

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