They are here finally!! Adblock Plus and AdBlock extensions are now available for Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 Store. You may not be able to use these yet if you are not an insider and running a Redstone Build already. In case you are already on Build 14291 and higher check our hands-on video to learn how to load and use the extensions
Though with Ad-quality being top-notch and unobtrusive, can we suggest whitelisting Nokiapoweruser and WinCentral in AdBlock & AdBlock Plus.
AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web.
The original AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, whitelist your favorite sites, or block all ads by default. Just install, then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear! NOTE: * Unobtrusive ads aren’t being blocked in order to support websites. * The notice you see about having access to your history and website data is automatically generated because AdBlock runs on every tab. But it does not actually monitor your browsing history or require your personal information to work properly.
Adblock Plus:
Used by over 50 million people, a free ad blocker that blocks ALL annoying ads, malware and tracking.