Andromeda, Composable Shell and Windows 10 on ARM have been the most popular 2017 buzzwords doing rounds in Microsoft and Windows Tech circles. Now, with leaks coming thick and fast the idea around Microsoft’s upcoming Mobile hardware and the software powering it has starting taking shape.

Andromeda Platform:

Andromeda platform may be the most important and innovative part of Windows 10 on ARM + Composable Shell, that may power new form-factors like folding, multi-screen mobile devices. It can support a variety of gestures and postures. It will be capable of making use of Snapdragon 835 and other upcoming high-end ARM processors.

Andromeda was also revealed in code-digging of the latest Windows 10 insider builds.

We have reported about a Microsoft Hinged device patent that shows a Foldable device with two displays, that can be folded across a hinge to look and work like a handheld device. These are the kind of devices Andromeda platform may support with the help of Composable Shell.

We reported about the leak of Surface Mobile devices Surface Peking and Surface Slavonia in an official video description. These mobile devices offer a hinge angle support of up to 185 degrees and also from description looks like capable of supporting handheld / Tablet / Desktop use.

Composable Shell Windows 10 Mobile UI has recently leaked in a video and it shows how Windows 10 will adapt to any form-factor wih help of the Composable shell. Microsoft has been working on “OneCore convergence” and we may hear more about it very soon.

It is no surprise that Microsoft has been working on a new mobile form-factor targeted mainly at Enterprise. We have heard about a Phone in works at Microsoft that will not look like phones that we see around now.