Home Latest News App review: Sendtiment Cards App for Windows Phone 8.

App review: Sendtiment Cards App for Windows Phone 8.


Our guest blogger Joel Jackson, who keeps on contributing interesting stuff to NPU, has now done a review of Sendtiment Cards App for Windows Phone 8. Enjoy the review of Sendtiment Cards App without further ado.

Just a Sendtimental Alaskan Guy: A fan review of Sendtiment Cards App for Windows Phone 8

I have been accused of being many things in my life, one of them is not being terribly romantic.  I noticed this app just after its publication and shared it with my daughter (HTC 8X) and my wife (L920).  I used the lite version at first and it offered a limited number of options along with a touchy selection screen which made using the app frustrating at times.  That being said it’s simple to use and works sharing across all the major smartphone platforms.  About 2 weeks ago I purchased the paid version and found the developer had made major improvements the screens selection sensitivity.  They also added more templates bring the number north of 400, large live tile support and also the ability to add pictures and customize your message script.  For me this made it a little more challenging but

Sendtiment review

for my wife and daughter they loved it. The app has some other nice features including a built-in reminder so you won’t blow it with that special someone in your life!  A nice added benefit is its format can be shared via email, text, Twitter, Facebook and OneNote so for the very creative it’s a great budget friendly way to share your feelings.

I included a screen shot of a card I sent my wife recently.  I can tell you it was a big hit!  The idea of routinely telling those we love how we feel is difficult. This app makes it a little easier.  Guys if you have a daughter or wife who use windows phone they will love the app.  If you’re looking for a good way to stay in your partners good grace then try Senditment.  There is trial version but I would skip that and buy the paid version for $1.99 U.S.  A good sign when looking a purchasing an app is developer support.  I believe Sendtiment has already received one update with another on the way. Look at the screen shot above for what I am looking at next.  Until then.


I am not an employee of and have not received compensation from the companies I mentioned. I am a Catholic guy who is a slogger when I run, I love my wife, my children and my community.  I believe in being thankful whenever possible.  I am sometimes on Twitter @alaskanjackson and play on Xbox from time to time, gamer tag alaskanjacksons. 

PS: Joel is working on reviews of many apps already: Live Zen, Air Now, Stylist, Windows Phone Parent/App discovery, Monk Music, TouchMountain. So, stay tuned!

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