
Microsoft has released a new Office Insider Build. The new Build 12013.20000 brings a new feature to PowerPoint, usual bug fixes and performance improvements. You can read the official changelog below.

PowerPoint Feature updates:

  • Print slide numbers on handouts: Slide numbers are included on your handouts automatically. Leave them on, turn them off, it’s all up to you.

Non-security updates:


  • We fixed an issue which could cause AutoSave to become enabled
  • We fixed an issue which could result in cell heights being measured inaccurately

Office Suite

  • We fixed an issue which significantly improves the performance of the Comments feature
  • We fixed an issue which could cause a crash when using arrow keys while in search
  • We fixed an issue which could prevent an @ mention if the @ symbol was placed after certain characters
  • We fixed an issue which could sometimes cause a crash when deleting @ mentions
  • We fixed an issue which prevented emojis from displaying correctly in comment cards
  • We fixed an issue with Active Clipboard which could sometimes result in a crash
  • We fixed an issue which could cause the Quick Access Toolbar buttons to stop working
  • We fixed an issue which could prevent the Document Formatting Preview from switching to the background


  • We fixed an issue where the names of sections appear blank in the section dropdown list when Office Theme is set to Black.


  • We fixed an issue with Send Events which could cause Outlook to repeatedly gain and lose focus
  • We fixed an issue which prevented the Post Reply to Folder shortcut from working


  • We fixed an issue with Protected View which could sometimes cause problems when collaborating
  • We fixed an issue which could prevent tasks in comment panes from displaying properly
  • We fixed an issue which could cause a crash when inserting new slides

User Lifecycle

  • We fixed an issue which could sometimes result in subscription features disappearing


  • We fixed an issue where hyperlinks could be broken if the hyperlink contained certain characters
  • We fixed an issue where images could be improperly sized when viewing a comment for that image
  • We fixed an issue with the Bullet List drop down menu which could sometimes result in a crash