Windows 10 insider Build 14279 live now for fast ring insiders. Official Changelog

Microsoft has announced Windows 10 preview build 14279 for insiders in the fast ring yesterday night. We have reported about build 14279 recently and as we expected, the build is now live for insiders. The latest build fixes many issues and performance problems of previous build...

Windows 10 Build 14279 leaks in a screenshot. May be the next.

A newly leaked screenshot shows new Windows 10 Redstone Build 14279. Microsoft has recently released the latest Windows 10 redstone build 14271 to Windows Insiders. The build brought many changes, improvements and fixes. Most important of all that build fixed many irritating bugs of...

KB3140743 brings Windows 10 Build 10586.122 to public

Microsoft has now pushed the Windows 10 Build 10586.122 as the cumulative update to non-insider PCs. The cumulative update that brings it is KB3140743 and brings “improvements in the functionality of Windows 10 Version 1511”. Though don’t expect major or noticeable changes. Insiders wouldn’t...

Windows 10 Build 14271: Known Issues

Windows 10 Build 14271 has been just released to Insiders in Fast ring and you can read the full official changelog by clicking here. The build also bring some known issues and you can read them below, so to make up your mind before...

Windows 10 Build 14271 available now. Official Changelog

Microsoft has now pushed Windows 10 Redstone Build 14271 to Windows Insiders in Fast Ring. The build brings many new features, improvements and some fixes to the issues reported by Insiders on the last Build 14267. Check the full official changelog of Build 14271...

Windows 10 Build 14267: Known Issues

Microsoft has today pushed Windows 10 Build 14267 to Insiders in Fast Ring. The Redstone build that comes after wait of 2 weeks, brings new features and changes along. Read full changelog of the build by clicking here. But the build 14267 comes with...

Windows 10 Build 14267 live for Insiders in Fast Ring. Official Changelog.

As reported by us, Microsoft has just pushed the Windows 10 Build 14267 to Windows Insiders in Fast Ring. The build that comes after a wait of nearly two weeks brings new features and changes along with many fixes, as expected. Microsoft has also...

Windows 10 Build 14267 teased as the next Insider Preview Build

Last Microsoft released Windows 10 Build 14257 to Windows insiders in Fast ring. You can read all about the build by clicking here. Now a new build, Build 14267 has been teased as the next  build on Twitter. The build compilation date is February 13...

Microsoft unveils Windows 10 Update History Page

Microsoft introduced insider program to give best experience for their users. The insider program started mainly for the ultimate operating system Windows 10. Till now the insider program is a great success project from Microsoft. So many people are now using Microsoft's insider program...

KB3135174 brings Windows 10 Build 10240.16683 to those on OS version 1507

Microsoft is now pushing the Windows 10 Build 10240.16683 as the cumulative update to those still on last major Windows 10 OS version 1507 or on a variant of the Build 10240.  The cumulative update that brings it is KB3135174 and has many security...

KB3135173 brings Windows 10 Build 10586.104 to public

Microsoft has now pushed the Windows 10 Build 10586.104 as the cumulative update to non-insider PCs. The cumulative update that brings it is KB3135173 and has many patches KB3137893, KB3133043, KB3136082, KB3136041, KB3134228, KB3134811, KB3134225, KB3134220 and also brings “improvements in the functionality of...

KB3136562 to bring Windows 10 Build 10586.79. Seen in Production Catalogue.

It seems Microsoft is planning to push Windows 10 Build 10586.79 as next cumulative update to public running Windows 10 stable version on their PCs. Update KB3136562 has not only been reported by some as pushed to their PCs but also has been spotted...

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