power bi

Microsoft is preparing to release a new Power BI experience, as suggested by the new and redesigned navigation experience that is being tested in its Power BI Preview form. With the new experience, it will be easier to find and navigate across your content.

Read: Microsoft releases Power BI November Update

As Microsoft makes improvements to Power BI, they keep adding new functionality as preview features. Preview features can be turned on and off, giving you the opportunity to try them out, before they are pushed to the mainstream client.

Here is the summary of redesigned navigation experience.

  • streamlined the lists for dashboards, reports, workbooks, and datasets
  • added a separate content area for workbooks
  • created a separate area for your favorite dashboards
  • created a separate area for content that has been shared with you
  • created a separate area for your most-recent content
  • reduced the number of clicks required to accomplish tasks — combined the lists of content, and the actions you can take on that content, on the same screen

Switching between the 2 experiences

You can go back to the old experience any time by selecting the gear icon, and choosing Settings>Preview Features. You can also turn it back on anytime later, by visiting the same screen.

If you want to learn more about the upcoming features, visit this page.

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