Tag: changelog
Surface Pro 4 Gets December Firmware and Driver Update. (Full Changelog)
A new firmware and driver update is rolling out to users using the Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4. This update is available for devices running Windows 10 Creators...
Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.5 released, brings XAML editing, the Xamarin Live Player &...
Microsoft has released a major update to Visual Studio 2017 in the form of version 15.5. Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 focuses on enhancements to...
New Xbox One DELTA & OMEGA preview build available (1711.171130-1951). Changelog
Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One DELTA & Omega Rings.The Build version is rs3_release_xbox_dev_1711.171130-1951 and it is...
New Xbox One Alpha/Preview Beta build available (1711.171130-1951). Full Changelog
Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Alpha Preview Ring. The Build version is rs3_release_xbox_dev_1711.171130-1951 and it...
New Office Insider Build 16.0.8827.2005 Rolling Out To Android. Changelog
Microsoft has rolled out a fresh new update for users in the Preview Build of Office Insider Program of Android. The latest build version is 16.0.8827.2005. This is...
Microsoft releases new firmware update for the Surface Studio. Changelog
A new firmware update is rolling out to users using the Microsoft’s Studio. These updates are usually provided via the Windows Update service and are...
New Xbox One DELTA & OMEGA preview build available (1711.171121-1645).Changelog
Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One DELTA & Omega Rings.The Build version is rs3_release_xbox_dev_1711.171121-1645 and it is...
SwiftKey for Android updated with support for new languages and more
SwiftKey, the most popular Keyboard app from Microsoft is now getting updated on Android platform. The update is live in the Google Play Store. Now...
Windows 10 Mobile/PC Build 14393.1914 (KB4051033) available for Anniversery update now. Changelog
Microsoft has pushed Windows 10 Mobile/PC Build 14393.1914 (KB4051033) to those on Anniversary update. You can check the update availability by going to Settings–>Update & Security–>Windows update–>Check...
New Xbox One Preview Alpha & BETA rings builds (1711.171121-1645) Available.
Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha & BETA rings builds. The Build version is rs3_release_xbox_dev_1711.171121-1645 and...
Microsoft Edge Preview for iOS updated with new features like dark theme, password syncing...
Microsoft has now pushed a new update to the Microsoft Edge app on iOS platform. The app was made available to iOS and Android...
[Changelog] Windows 10 Build 15063.729 (KB4055254) available for Fall Creators update now
Microsoft today released a new cumulative update Build 15063.729 to all the insiders on Fall Creators update (Build 15063.729). Cumulative update KB4055254 brings this...