
OneNote app on Windows 10 is receiving the August 2017 feature update via Windows Store with a number of new enhancements and features.

Version 17.8471.5772 of OneNote app is being rolled out gradually for everyone on Windows 10, so if you don’t see the update yet in the Windows Store, there is nothing to panic, you can always check back later.

Here is what’s new and improved in Version 17.8471.5772

Text to Math

Use your keyboard to type an equation as text in OneNote, and use Math to solve it or draw a graph. Simply type your equation, and on the Draw tab, click the Lasso Select button. Drag a circle around the text you want to convert, then click Math.

NOTE: This feature is only available if you have an Office 365 subscription. If you are an Office 365 subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office.

Shows typed equation, the math button, and the converted equation

Smart Lookup

Get definitions, wiki articles, and top related searches from the web without leaving OneNote. Right-click a word or phrase and choose Smart Lookup.


Shows sentence with highlighted phrase and contextual menu with Smart Lookup highlighted

Insert online pictures

Use Bing’s Image Search to safely insert photos and images without ever having to leave OneNote. On the Insert tab, choose Pictures > Online. In the Online Pictures pane, use a keyword to search for the perfect picture for your notes.


Insert tab showing the Pictures drop down with Online highlighted.

Tables of all shapes and sizes

One cell or many? Choose the number of rows and columns you need to organize your content. Once you’ve got a table, you can add or delete rows or columns, add table shading, or sort your content.


Insert table command showing selection grid

More highlight colors

Yellow isn’t the only color in the rainbow. Now you can highlight with blue, green, red, and more.

Highlight button with dropdown showing dark purple selected

Zoom in, zoom out

Use the new Page Width option on the View tab to zoom out to see all the notes on your page, or zoom in to focus on just what you need.

Find the latest update in the Windows Store below.
