Home Latest Posts Sales Reports July’17 Report: Windows 10 grows to 28%. Mac OS X & Linux...

July’17 Report: Windows 10 grows to 28%. Mac OS X & Linux market share unchanged


Net Market share report for the month of July shows some promise for Windows 10 market share growth finally. Due to all the efforts made by Microsoft to make those on Windows 7 move to Windows 10, Windows 10 is now growing, while Windows 7 is seeing a bit of decline.

Windows 10 is at 27.63% at the end of July month. At the end of June, it was at 26.8%. Windows 7 has declined a bit from 49.04% in June to 48.91% in July. Talking of competitors, Mac OS X and Linux share remains almost stagnant in July.

Windows XP declined sharply from 6.94% in June 2017 to 6.1% in July 2017. It never dies!! July report also comfirms that corporates that still buy and force employees to use Windows 7 and are not really fast in adopting and updating to Windows 10. Microsoft needs to push Windows 10 harder with Corporates and make it easier to transition to.

Source: NMS

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