Microsoft has announced new privacy tools and features for Windows 10 ahead of “Data Privacy Day”. These new privacy features include “Windows Diagnostic Data viewer” that allows you to see, search, and take action with your diagnostic data. As per the official blog post,
The Diagnostic Data Viewer provides you with the features such as view, search and filter of your diagnostic data, as well as the ability to provide feedback about the viewer.
The diagnostic data presented in the menu includes;
Common Data, like the Operating System’s name, the Version, Device ID, Device Class, Diagnostic level selection and so on.
Device Connectivity and Configuration such as device properties and capabilities, preferences and settings, peripherals, and device network information.
Product and Service Performance data that show device health, performance and reliability data, movie consumption functionality on the device and device file queries. It’s important to note that this functionality is not intended to capture user viewing or, listening habits.
Product and Service Usage data includes details about the usage of the device, operating system, applications, and services.
Software Setup and Inventory such as installed applications and install history, device update information.
Windows Diagnostic Data viewer will be available from Microsoft store for Windows Insiders in coming days. Microsoft has also updated the privacy dashboard and will also bring additional privacy features.
Microsoft Privacy Dashboard
We’ve updated the Microsoft Privacy Dashboard with a new Activity History page which provides a clear and easy to navigate way to see the data that is saved with your Microsoft account. The Microsoft Privacy Dashboard allows you to manage your data and change what data is collected by adjusting the privacy settings on your device or browser at any time.
And in the coming months, we’ll also bring additional features that will allow you to;
- View and manage media consumption data, as well as product and service activity on the Activity History page
- Export for any of the data you see on the dashboard
- Delete specific items to allow for greater individual control
Windows Insiders will experience all these new features and improvements before anyone else as Microsoft plans to push them to insiders in coming weeks.