Net Market share report for the month of November shows some promise for Windows 10 market share growth. It has attained 32% market share in November. Due to all the efforts made by Microsoft to make Windows 10 popular, Windows 10 has kept on growing.

Windows 7 the most popular desktop OS at 43.12% share also has gained a bit of market share in November. Talking of competitors, Mac OS X has shed a bit of market share in November as compared to the October figure provided below.

Windows XP declined sharply from 7.64% in October 2017 to 5.73% in November 2017. It never dies!!

November 2017 report also confirms that corporates that still buy and force employees to use Windows 7 and are not really fast in adopting and updating to Windows 10. Microsoft needs to push Windows 10 harder with Corporates and make it easier to transition to.

Source: NMS