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Windows Device recovery tool: How to use for Windows 10 Mobile & bricked devices?

You may be aware of the "Windows Device Recovery Tool" ( Earlier Windows Phone Recovery Tool). This is a very useful tool that helps...
UWP File Explorer

How to activate UWP File Explorer on Windows 10 Creators Update

On Windows 10 there was no such thing as the UWP file explorer until recently a user discovered a way to accomplish the task and...
Anniversary update

Insiders with unsupported phones can go back to Anniversary update as Microsoft promises cumulative...

Microsoft today shared some more details regarding the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update and how users with unsupported devices in hand can either stay...
Creators Update

Get Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on unsupported devices

Many phones, which were eligible for Creators update Insider Preview program were later dumped by Microsoft as unsupported for official Windows 10 Mobile Creators...

How To create Windows 10 ISO images from ESD & UUP files. Video tutorial

This tutorial aims to tell you how to create Bootable ISO images by decrypting & converting Windows 10 ESD and UUP files. For converting...
Windows 10

How to customize Night Light in Windows 10 Creators Update

Windows 10 Creators Update is the current major release of Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system Windows 10. Starting today, Microsoft will be rolling...
Windows 10

How to change transparency and color for Start menu, taskbar etc. on Windows 10...

Windows 10 comes with a lot of personalisation options and it has significantly improved over time giving users more control on however they want their...

Microsoft’s makes Refresh Windows Tool official. How To use

Update: Microsoft has made the tool official now and you can also read how To use the tool below. This tool is currently only available...
windows hello

How to add and let other users login to your PC using Windows Hello

Windows Hello, the biometric authentication system, that Microsoft brought to Windows 10 is a more personal, easy and secure way to log on to your...

How To access Control Panel, My Computer, Run, Command Prompt in Windows 10 quickly

This simple Windows 10 tutorial tells you two quicker ways to access Control Panel, This PC (My Computer), Run Command and Command Prompt on...
windows update

How to fix Windows Update error on Windows 10 PC. Works for Build 14986...

If you have been experiencing issues with Windows Update on your machine, and it is giving you a tough time by throwing up some...

Not seeing Windows 10 Build 14901 via Windows update, here is how to fix...

Microsoft just pushed first Redstone 2 Windows 10 Insider Build, the Build 14901 to Insiders in Fast Ring. But many are not able to...

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