Tag: Outlook
Microsoft Outlook for Android updated with support for new navigation bar and much more
Microsoft has now officially pushed another update to one more app from it's collection on Android. The Microsoft Outlook app for Android is now...
Insider Fast build v16.14 (180507) of Office 2016 for Mac brings fixes in Outlook...
For those on the Fast ring of the Office Insider Program for Office for Mac, Microsoft has released a fast ring build and is now available...
Microsoft Outlook for Android updated wirh support for new icon badge
Microsoft has now silently pushed another update to the Microsoft Outlook app. The Microsoft Outlook app is getting a new update on the Android...
Outlook for Android updated with Calendar attachment feature
Microsoft has now officially released a new update to the Outlook app for Android. The update to Microsoft Outlook for Android brings the app version...
Insider Fast build v16.11(180221) of Office 2016 for Mac brings Outlook improvements
For those on the Fast ring of the Office Insider Program for Office for Mac, Microsoft has released a fast ring build and is now available...
Insider Slow build v16.11 of Office 2016 for Mac brings Outlook improvements & more
For those on the Slow ring of the Office Insider Program for Office for Mac, Microsoft has released a slow ring build and is now available...
Outlook for Mac now supports swipe gesture customization in Insider Fast Build v16.11 (180214)
Microsoft has pushed a new update to Outlook for Mac in the insider channel. The update takes the app’s version of v16.11 (Build180214). The...
Microsoft Outlook for Android updated. See what’s new inside
Another update is now being rolled out to one of the must popular apps from Microsoft on Android platform, the Microsoft Outlook. Update to the...
Microsoft Outlook for iOS updated with support for iPhone X
Microsoft is now pushing a new update to the Microsoft Outlook app. The Outlook app from Microsoft comes to iOS platform. The update is now...
Insider fast Build v16.8 (171111) for outlook for Mac brings new features
Microsoft has rolled out a fresh new update for users in the Fast Ring of Insider Program of Outlook for Mac. The latest build version is 16.8 (171111). In...
MS Outlook for Android Improves Calendar Sharing Experience
The newly redesigned, Outlook for Android, is receiving an update in the Google Play Store with a couple of new additions to the feature...
Insider fast Build v15.40 (170926) for outlook for Mac brings new features
Microsoft has rolled out a fresh new update for users in the Fast Ring of Insider Program of Outlook for Mac. The latest build...