Home Latest News Software updates News Windows 10’s slow shutdown bug is now fixed

Windows 10’s slow shutdown bug is now fixed


Windows 10 October 2018 Update was reportedly having some a shutdown issue. As we reported earlier, the bug resulted in the slow shutdown of devices with USB Type-C connectors plugged in. And if we go by the official figure, it delayed the shutdown by more than 60 minutes.

The bug is now fixed. Microsoft’s latest cumulative update for the Windows 10 May 2019 Update has done the trick and fixed the issue. That basically means that you should now be able to shutdown your PC safely, with a USB Type-C connector plugged into your device, and there should not be any shutdown delay.

However, the bug is still there in the Windows 10 1809 a.k.a. the Windows 10 October 2018 update. To get rid of it, you must upgrade your PC to the latest version of Windows 10 that is Windows 10 May 2019 Update.

Install the latest cumulative update and let us know if the bug is still there. Hit the comments section.