Group Payments

Facebook has introduced a new feature for its Messenger application, Group Payments. Starting today, Group Payment is available for Android and desktop. This will allow you to send or receive money between groups of friends/people on Messenger. It’s free, simple, fast and secure.

The feature has been available for person-to-person scenarios since 2015, but today’s release is a bigger one, indeed.

How to send or receive money via Messenger

  1. To get started, all you need to do is to jump in to a Messenger group conversation
  2. Tap on the plus sign in the bottom left hand corner, and tap the payments icon ($).
  3. Select who to send or request money from.
  4. Enter the amount you want to request per person or the total sum to divide evenly, either including yourself in the calculation or not.
  5. Finally, give it a friendly tag name. Once you’re ready, tap Request.

Here is the video demo of the Group Payments feature.

As always in Messenger, your debit card information is safe and secure, and the service is totally free. Messenger group payments is only available in the US for now and there is no word on when the company plans to bring the feature to iOS and Windows.

Download Messenger for Android below.

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Price: Free