Lumia 1520 vs iPhone 5S 2 Lumia 1520 vs iPhone 5S

Sometime back we brought you camera comparison between Lumia 1520 and Sony Xperia Z1 with Canon 6D as reference. The same channel “Techcloud” has posted camera comparison between Lumia 1520 and Apple iPhone 5S again using Canon 6D as reference.

So, how does Lumia 1520’s PureView camera perform against iPhone 5S’s camera. As can be seen in above comparison images extracted by us, it constantly captures sharper images than iPhone 5S in all imaging conditions with and without flash. However, reviewer seems to give upper hand to iPhone 5S in video capture though we could have liked to see a video stabilization comparison as well. But seems, Nokia needs to do something to improve the Lumia 1520’s video capture and it looks like a software issue as still images with Lumia 1520 are so much better.

Watch the video below,