Surface Phone/Andromeda device is happening and we told you that it may happen sooner than expected, our sources murmur to us. Now, here is something to raise your hopes a bit higher.
While answering a question posed to them about Cortana, a Microsoft Engineer accidentally talked about Surface Phone and how Cortana will work perfectly on it. Check the translation of the reply provided by a Microsoft Engineer and how the reply mentions Surface Phone.
So, while many may argue that it might just be a mistake, companies often distribute upcoming hardware amongst its internal testers and many times it results in leaks and hints. Surface Phone protos are certainly in the testing phase and this may not just be a coincidence or mistake.
We have been reporting about Microsoft still working on a foldable dual-display Surface Mobile/Andromeda device. We even posted exclusive details about this device and you can read our exclusive coverage of Surface Phone/Mobile top features/specs, photos & other details here.
Many recent patents granted to Microsoft have revealed very detailed information about a device that looks market-ready. In the most recent Microsoft patent reported by us, Microsoft even talks about why dual-display devices are needed.
Some recent developments like the appearance of the Apps Hub for the Andromeda device with Windows 8828080 which is, in fact, Andromeda OS also hints at sooner arrival of the Surface Phone. This means Microsoft is preparing the eco-system to support it.
We earlier reported about Microsoft’s original plan that put Surface Phone launch in the 2nd half of the year 2018. But these recent leaks and what we have heard from our retails sources raise our hopes too for a probable launch in the first half of 2018.
Read our complete Surface Phone/Andromeda device coverage here.
Thanks Xio-Feng for the tip. Cheers!!