Nowadays, even Smart-watches come with sufficiently powerful hardware. How much powerful you may ask? Then answer is enough to run Windows 95. You heard it right, folks at Tendigi have been succesful in installing Windows 95 on an Apple Watch. Check the video below to watch the thing in action.
Blog post by the modder outlines the steps,
- Copy symbols and headers from Xcode’s iphoneOS and iphoneSimulator platforms to the watchOS and watchSimulator platforms, respectively.
- Build your “normal” UIKit-based iOS app inside a framework, rather than in your WatchKit extension.
- Use install_name_tool to point your WatchKit app’s _WatchKitStub/WK binary to your framework instead of SockPuppetGizmo. SockPuppetGizmo is the framework that (to my knowledge) runs WatchKit and interacts with normal WatchKit extensions that developers write.
- Jury-rig the iOS port of the Bochs x86 emulator into your framework. “Easy!” “How hard can it be?” read: Pretty hard. In my case, Xcode crashed whenever I tried to use lldb. Your mileage may vary.
- Copy a Windows 95 disk image in to your app’s bundle, write the config file, and boot ‘er up.
*Optional: hot glue a motor to the watch’s crown to keep it from falling asleep.