In January, we received a most action pack adventure game Rise of the Tomb Raider on Windows 10. The game is developed by Crystal Dynamics group and published by Square Enix on store. This game first was released on Xbox one on November 2015. Then on Windows 10.
This game is full of adventure and has number of Xbox Live achievements. The game graphics are so awesome and gives a real action experience.
But now developers has released a new update for the game to fix some start up problems which was reported by some users.

What’s new in latest update??

• There has been a variety of fixes and improvements in the user interface including maps, databases, fields, and Remnants of Resistance mode.
• New graphics options “Quality mirror reflection” to improve resolution and reducealiasingof reflections, albeit with some performance cost.
• New graphics to disable dirt film regardless of the “Effects of Screen” options.
• HBAO + Improved quality, including Best occlusion for distant objects.
• modifying resolution option that lets you use a lower independent rendering the size of the window when the Aventanado mode is executed.
• Fixed a bug that could seldom be displayed on devices with hardware threads 16 or more.
• Fixed a bug where the cursor does not always disappear when gamepad is used.
• Fixed major vibrations during resistance mode.
• Corrections to the list of leaders of the resistance mode.
• Fixed errors missions Remnants of resistors that can not occasionally initiated.
• Fixed bugs in the rendering of certain objects with NVIDIA 6 x 0 and 7 x 0 graphics cards.Some bugs still happen and is working with NVIDIA to solve them with a patch or driver.
• Added warning messages to users who want to set up textures in very high or activate SSAA to indicate that powerful hardware is needed.
• A variety of other optimizations, fixes and minor adjustments.

This update is pretty major one which brings some important improvements in gameplay. You can download this most adventures game from below link.

Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Price: $29.99