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Tag: Windows Insider Program

Windows Insider

Windows Insiders (Fast) Get Build 16275 for PC and Build 15245 for Mobile

Microsoft has pushed preview Build 16275 for PC and Build 15245 for Mobile for Windows Insiders on the Fast Ring. The Windows 10 Insider...
Windows 10 Mobile

Insider Build 15240 (Windows 10 Mobile) Available on the Slow Ring

After weeks of delay, Microsoft has released Windows 10 Mobile Build 15240 for Windows Insiders in Slow Ring. Previously available to Insiders on Fast Ring,...
View 3D

View 3D app updated on Fast Ring, adds 3D superimposing of objects

Microsoft is updating it its View 3D app in the Windows Store for those in the Fast Ring of the Windows Insider Program. The latest...

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16257 and Mobile Emulator Build 15235 Available

Microsoft has released Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16257 and Mobile Emulator Build 15235 for people developing on the Universal Windows Platform. The Preview Build...
Windows 10

Windows 10 Preview Build 16257 for PC & Build 15237 for Mobile (Changelog)

Microsoft has released a yet another Windows 10 Insider Preview Build for PC & Mobile. Build 16257 for PC & Build 15237 for Mobile...

Continue on PC experience now available on iOS, Requires PC Build 16251

If you are a Windows Insider rocking the latest Insider Build 16251 for PC and own an iPhone, then Microsoft has just brought a...
Windows Server

Build 2017: Windows Server to join Windows Insider program and more

Microsoft has announced that Windows Server is joining the Windows Insider program. This will put developers at the fore-front of new technologies before released...

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