Telegram Messenger

Telegram Messenger for Windows 10 Phone has been updated in the Windows Store with a number of new features including timed or self-destructing photos and videos.

Version 2.5 is now rolling out via the Windows Store and here is the official changelog.

New in version 2.5:
– Add emoji to a message by typing ‘:’ + keyword.
:relieved: :satisfied: :smirk:
– Search through messages of a particular user in any group. To do this, tap ‘…’ in the top right corner when in a group > Search > tap the new ‘Search by member’ icon in the bottom right corner.
– While searching, select a user to browse all of her messages in the group or add a keyword to narrow down search results.
– Add a bio to your profile by typing a few words about yourself in Settings.
– Set a self-destruct timer for any photos and videos you share in private chats.

Find the app update in the Windows Store below.

Telegram Messenger
Telegram Messenger