While inadvertently released Windows 10 Build 16212 caused havoc on Mobiles, it got installed on insider PCs in a relatively calm manner. Since it is a build from a separate branch “rs_edge_case”, it was expected to bring some tidbits unavailable on current insider branch “rs_prerelease”. It, however, was found to be not massively different from the last insider Build 16199.

But still, there are two new bits about Build 16212 posted on Twitter which is interesting. One of them is related to eagerly awaited Composable Shell aka CShell on Windows 10. This is the future of One Windows that will enable Mobile form-factor adaptation of the Full Windows 10.

Build 16212 has a “ComposableShell TextInput” component based on Swiftkey. Now, that’s something quite interesting, as it seems Microsoft will try to bring Swiftkey based keyboard as part of Mobile CShell in Windows 10 in future.


The second new feature found in Build 16212 is a working Control Center as can be seen in the image below. It looks like a miniaturized Action Center with some of the quick actions appearing in the Action Center window.
