Windows Phone 8.1 teased to bring USB OTG support

Nawzil, whom many trust as a person with reliable Microsoft sources, has teased USB OTG or USB On The Go support coming with Windows...

Nokia Martini revealed to be Lumia 930.

Nokia Martini, which evleaks teased as yet another Windows Phone 8.1 handset, has now been revealed to be Lumia 930, probably the Lumia Icon‘s...

Windows Phone 8.1 stock camera app demoed in a video.

We already know a bit about Windows Phone 8.1 stock camera app. From our massive Windows Phone 8.1 changelog: Camera app has 3 new...

Two Dual-Sim variants of Lumia 630, RM-978 & RM-979 pass through FCC

We reported the size specs of first Dual-Sim Lumia, the Lumia 630 via a leaked product data sheet image. Now, two dual-sim variants of...

Windows Phone 8.1 WiFi sense demoed in a video.

One more video leak for Windows Phone 8.1 and this time, WiFi sense is demoed. WiFi sense is the WiFi connection settings made more...

Windows 8.1 update 1 appears online one month early. MSU download links available.

Seems, Microsoft inadvertently had made Windows 8.1 update 1 available on its servers and before it was pulled, it was installed and mirrored by...

Low-profile keyboard revealed in new Windows Phone 8.1 leak.

The Windows Phone 8.1 SDK has been updated and a new feature reveals itself. Low-profile keyboard is coming with Windows Phone 8.1, which will...

Windows Phone 8.5 already in works. WP8.1 will support one minute background updates.

Two very interesting bits have emerged from the leaked Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, which now seems always has something to reveal. Windows Phone 8.5 will...

More revealed about Notification Center management in Windows Phone 8.1

Some of slides posted on Twitter from Microsoft’s Confidential documentation, reveal more about how the developers and users can handle notifications in Action Center on...

Microsoft signs off the Windows 8.1 update 1 RTM build.

Sometime back a Windows 8.1 Escrow RTM Build had leaked giving rise to the hopes of the RTM sign-off happening soon. And, it has...

Lots of information & images of Titanfall leak on Reddit.

Titanfall, the game which really matters a lot for Xbox One is coming on 11th March. As it always happens, some very interesting tidbits...

Private Beta reveals WhatsApp Broadcast list management

WhatsApp private Beta has revealed many interesting upcoming features and we just reported about “Privacy settings’ & new background Gallery. Now, the person behind...

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