New Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring Build 1910.190512-1922 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring. The Build version is 1910.190512-1922 and...

New Preview Alpha Ring Build 18362.3054.190509-1730 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 18362.3054.190509-1730 and it will...

Microsoft releases Build 1905 to the Xbox Insiders in Preview Alpha & Beta Ring

Microsoft yesterday released a new build to the Xbox insiders in both Preview Alpha and Beta Ring. The new update brings a new features,...

Hitman HD Pack is coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility

The Xbox One Backward Compatibility program allows one to play Xbox 360 games over on Xbox One console and enjoy the advanced features like...

Microsoft pushes a new update to the Xbox insiders, brings Mini virtual keyboard and more

Microsoft has pushed a new update to the Xbox Insiders in both Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha ring. The new update brings a handful...

Microsoft releases Build 1902 for Xbox Insiders in the Beta Ring with lots of fixes

Microsoft yesterday released a new Build to Xbox insiders in the Beta Ring and the new update comes with bunch fixes but no new...

Microsoft releases Build 1904 to the Xbox Insiders in Preview Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha Ring

Microsoft yesterday released a new build to the Xbox insiders in both Preview Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha Ring. The new update brings a...

Microsoft releases Skip Ahead Build 1904 to the members of Xbox One Preview Skip Ahead

Microsoft has started to roll-out a new Insider Build to the embers of the Xbox One Preview Skip Ahead. The new update, Build 1904 brings...

Members of Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring to receive a new 1811 Xbox One system update(1811108-1720)

Microsoft today to start roll-out a new 1811 Xbox One system update(181108-1720) to the embers of the Xbox Preview Alpha Ring. The new update...

1810 Xbox One system update is all set hit the members of the Xbox One Preview Omega

This week so far has been a busy one for Microsoft with lots of Surface devices and of course a major update to Windows...

New Preview Alpha Ring Build (1810.180918-1920) Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 1810.180918-1920 and it will begin...

New Preview Alpha Ring Build (1810.180913-1920) Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 1810.180913-1920 and it will begin...

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