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Tag: Windows 10 Mobile

Windows 10

Instagram, Skype and OneDrive for Windows 10 receive updates on non-insider build

These apps have recently received updates in the Windows Store on Production Ring or non-insider build. Instagram updated to v10.766.12443.0 Skype updated to v11.11.109.0 and OneDrive updated...

20 Best (Must Have) Windows 10 Mobile games

After 26 Best / Must-Have apps for your new Windows 10 Mobile smartphone here we are with a list of essential games for your...

New Windows 10 Mobile concept has some refreshing UI changes

Time and again we have been posting some nice looking Windows 10 Mobile concepts and here is a new one that looks refreshing. At...

How to get Project My Screen working with Windows 10 Mobile

Project My Screen now works fine with Windows 10 Mobile on all devices while connecting via USB. Project my Screen over WiFi still works...

Windows 10 Mobile: How To Project My Screen over Wi-Fi

We shared the info earlier that Project My Screen feature has started working on Windows 10 Mobile devices but only via USB connection. Good...

Windows 10 Mobile Tips: Top Lumia Living Images Features

Microsoft has now taken care of some of the complaints that Lumia users had in regards to the cool "Living Images" feature, that Apple...

Game Troopers releases UWP “iO the Game” to Windows Store. Trailer

Game Troopers has released a Physics Transformer game called "iO the Game" to Windows Store. This UWP game is paid one and is available...

Windows 10 Mobile Build 14393.823 appears as the latest CU build

Microsoft last released the Windows 10 Mobile Build 14393.726 to insiders in release preview ring. Non-insiders however are at Windows 10 Mobile Build 14393.693....

Windows 10 Mobile Build 15031 Known Issues

Windows 10 Mobile Build 15031 is now live for insiders in Fast Ring. You can read the full official changelog by clicking here. The...

Windows 10 Mobile Build 15031 live now for Fast Ring. Official Changelog

As teased earlier, Microsoft has now pushed Windows 10 Mobile Build 15031 to insiders in Fast Ring. The build however doesn't bring any significant...

A new Windows 10 Mobile build still on cards for this week

Microsoft yesterday pushed Windows 10 Build 15031 to PC insiders in Fast Ring. But mobile insiders were once again left high and dry. But seems...

Windows 10 Mobile Creators update to get Night Light & Continuum improvements at right...

Windows 10 Mobile Creators update may be line up for April / May, with Windows 10 Creators update coming in March 2017. We earlier...

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