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Tag: Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is now supported on Windows 10 on ARM devices including Surface...

Microsoft has announced Visual Studio Code support on Windows 10 on ARM devices.This includes Microsoft’s Surface Pro X, Samsung Galaxy Book S and others. https://twitter.com/WindowsDocs/status/1280225004714590208 In...
Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code gets November 2017 update with significant new features

Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform, light-weight code editor available for Windows, Linux as well as macOS. It combines the simplicity of a lightning...
Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino is now open source

Microsoft is open-sourcing the Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino. In an official announcement, Microsoft shared that Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino has...
Visual Studio Code

VS Code June 2017 Update Released for Public (version 1.14)

If you are into development and use Visual Studio Code for your daily workflow, then Microsoft has released a major update for your favorite...
Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code gets March 2017 update with significant new features

Visual Studio Code is a cross platform, light-weight code editor available for Windows, Linux as well as macOS. It combines the simplicity of a...
VS 2017

Visual Studio Code updated with new welcome page, synchronized markdown preview & more

Microsoft rolling out an update to the Visual Studio Code. The latest update version 1.9 of the code editor, which brings many new features...

Microsoft Visual Studio Code Updated To Version 1.2 With New Features

Microsoft today released a new featured pack update for their Visual Studio code. The latest update takes the application to The update brings...

Visual Studio Code 1.0 is now Officially available.

A year after launching the first preview version, Microsoft has  finally released version 1.0 of its Visual Studio Code editor.This is now available in...

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