Twitter client Mehdoh & game Seasons free for a limited time.

Good news! Popular Twitter, Instagram and SoundCloud client Mehdoh has gone free for limited time at Windows Phone store in collaboration with myAppFree a...

Rumor: Huawei Ascend W3 may get unveiled during CES 2014.

Huawei is one of the active Windows Phone manufacturers with devices in market other than Nokia, HTC and Samsung. Now, there are rumors that...

Xbox One Playoff Face Off launched. Challenges users to predict performances.

Microsoft has launched Xbox One Playoff Face Off for NFL fans. It challenges users to predict the performances for the biggest NFL games this...

Microsoft to publish Q2, FY 2014 financial results on 23rd January.

Microsoft has announced that it will publish Q2, FY 2014 financial results on Jan. 23, 2014. The results will be available  on the Microsoft...

6tindr, Tinder app for Windows Phone teased. 6snap updated with draw on videos feature & more.

Rudy Hyun, the developer behind wildly successful 6tag and 6snap apps for Windows Phone has teased about a Tinder app before. Today, he has...

Microsoft releases 1080p Emulators for Windows Phone developers.

Microsoft has just informed on its developer blog that new emulator images for Windows Phone 8.0 Updates 2 and 3 are available now to...

Nokia Lumia Icon name & device appear in images of Incipio’s cases.

We have seem many leaked press shots and real-life photos of Verizon bound Lumia 929 which may eventually see release with the name "Nokia...

Skype’s Twitter account hacked by SEA. Skype says no user info was compromised.

The official Skype Twitter account came under attack from Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) hacker group on Wednesday. Hackers made Skype's Twitter account on Wednesday...

Xbox 360 gets Sleeping Dogs, Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light in January Gold.

Ushering in new year brings two gifts for Xbox 360 owners under the Gold program. For January, owners can get their hands on Sleeping...

Windows Phone highlights & trends from Adduplex data for December.

Adduplex has released its Windows Phone stats report for December and below are highlight and trends identified from the data. Domination for Nokia and Lumia...

Samsung brings DLNA & inter-device content play apps to its Windows Phone devices.

Windows Phone is not the primary OS for Samsung and we may not see it bringing as many Windows Phone devices and exclusive apps...

Sony may bring a Windows phone device by mid-2014.

If a report from has to be believed, then Sony may be releasing a Windows Phone as soon as by mid-2014. Their sources...

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