New Preview Alpha Ring Build 1908.190722-1945 Brings New Features & More.

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 1908.190722-1945 and it will begin rolling out at 2:00 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build brings, we...

This week’s Deals with Gold & Spotlight sales feature Battlefield 3, Agents of Mayham & more

deals with gold
This week’s Xbox deal is out and as usual, there are a handful amount games on the Xbox store that are eligible for this deal. Please note, discounts are valid now through 29 July 2019. Content TitleContent TypeDiscountNotes11-11 Memories RetoldXbox One X Enhanced60% / 70%Xbox Super Game...

This week’s Deals with Gold & Spotlight sales feature Forza Horizon 3, Max Payne 3 & more

This week’s Xbox deal is out and as usual, there are a handful amount games on the Xbox store that are eligible for this deal. Please note, discounts are valid now through 15 July 2019. Xbox One Deals CONTENT TITLE CONTENT TYPE DISCOUNT NOTES #KillAllZombies Xbox One Game 70% DWG 1000 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 10% Free To Play Sale 11000...

New Preview Beta Ring Build 1907.190614-1928 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Beta Ring. The Build version is 1907.190614-1928 and it will begin rolling out at 2:00 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build brings, we...

New Preview Alpha Ring Build 1907.190616-1920 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 1907.190616-1920 and it will begin rolling out at 2:00 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build brings, we...

This week’s Deals with Gold & Spotlight sales feature ACA NEOGEO Aero Fighters 2 & more

This week’s Xbox deal is out and as usual, there are a handful amount games on the Xbox store that are eligible for this deal. Please note, discounts are valid now through 27th May 2019. Xbox One Deals Show entries Previous12Next Content Title Content Type Discount Notes ACA NEOGEO...

New Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring Build 1910.190514-1920 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring. The Build version is 1910.190514-1920 and it will begin rolling out at 2:00 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build...

New Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring Build 1910.190512-1922 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring. The Build version is 1910.190512-1922 and it will begin rolling out at 2:00 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build...

This week’s Deals with Gold & Spotlight sales feature ARCADE GAME SERIES & more

deals with gold
This week’s Xbox deal is out and as usual, there are a handful amount games on the Xbox store that are eligible for this deal. Please note, discounts are valid now through 20 May 2019. Xbox One Deals Show entries Previous123Next Content Title Content Type Discount Notes 8-Bit Invaders! Xbox...

New Preview Alpha Ring Build 18362.3054.190509-1730 Brings Fixes & Improvements

Microsoft has rolled out a new Windows 10 Build for those in Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring. The Build version is 18362.3054.190509-1730 and it will begin rolling out at 7:30 p.m. PST and will become mandatory shortly after that. Coming to what this build brings, we...

Microsoft releases Build 1905 to the Xbox Insiders in Preview Alpha & Beta Ring

Microsoft yesterday released a new build to the Xbox insiders in both Preview Alpha and Beta Ring. The new update brings a new features, fixes and known issues in the latest 1905 system update.You can read the official changelog below. DETAILS: OS version released: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_190518362.3050.190506-1927 ...

Hitman HD Pack is coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility

The Xbox One Backward Compatibility program allows one to play Xbox 360 games over on Xbox One console and enjoy the advanced features like Game DVR and in-home streaming to Windows 10. Larry Hryb has announced that Hitman HD Pack is coming to Xbox One...

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